Everyone knows about the zebra, right? The one that she likes to stare at? Well, on Friday we introduced Alex to her bouncy chair, and she seemed to enjoy it. It has a bar with some toys attached to it, but she doesn't seem to like those yet. (I think it was too much new stuff at one time.) Yesterday (Saturday), though, I took off the regular toys and attached her zebra to it, the one she likes to stare at. After she had been looking at the zebra for a few minutes, she started taking her right hand and, still intently focused on looking at the zebra, kept making swipes at it with her hand. IT WAS SO AMAZING! She did it again and again and kept hitting it! I was so proud and it was so cool to watch this small part of her development.
Alex continues to do well. It's 5:00 am here, but I am happy and content and awake because (drum roll, please...) Alex went six hours between feedings last night! This is great. She continues to go longer between feedings, which is wonderful but also takes some getting used to, and I'm hoping that pretty soon I'm consistently only getting up once during the night, and then hopefully she'll begin sleeping through the night most of the time. Her acid reflux seems to be doing much better due to the Zantac that she's on, and we try to hold her upright for at least fifteen minutes after feedings. (All of this is normal and Zantac is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for babies with acid reflux.)
She also continues to focus more and more on objects and spends longer amounts of time entertaining herself. And she totally loves attention! Almost without fail, if we're out and there are other people around, she is very chill and enjoys being passed around from person to person and is rarely fussy during those times. She's also beginning to enjoy her baths more and more I think. Yesterday she didn't cry at all when I put her in and only cried when I took her out.
Alex continues to grow and we had to cycle out some of her clothes (I'm going to miss her little days of the week onesies that dad gave her) and got some new ones put in to the rotation. It's really crazy to look back at pictures from the beginning, especially of her in her pajamas, and realize how much she's grown. Her feet actually reach her pj feet now! Her eyes continue to be dark gray, although we're wondering if they are starting to get a little lighter. People always comment on her eyes and how big and intense they are. I also get more and more people commenting on how expressive she is. She tends to furrow her brow a bit and lift her eyebrows, making her look very inquisitive and attentive. She's probably just passing gas, though... :) And she has kept her hair and there seems to be only the slightest bit of thinning where her head rests against her bed. It's starting to grow more on her head where she didn't have it before, and it's getting pretty long as well. In the sunlight, her hair looks almost copper-colored. I keep wondering if her hair is going to have more red tints to it than expected. Maybe she'll look like nanny!
And Alex is now cooler than any other person I know; she has two passports! We picked up her US passport a while ago, and she got her Nicaraguan passport on Thursday. I wish I were cool enough to have dual citizenship!