Alex was sick for a little over a week, ending finally yesterday. She started out with a really bad cough, and then she got a really stuffy and runny nose. The col ran its course in the normal time, and she was so great. You could tell she didn't feel well sometimes, and she was a little sleepier and a little crankier, but other than that, she was great. We kept calling her a little trooper because she did so well with it.
And now she is as frisky as one could hope, possibly more so. She has completely mastered the art of creeping, where she gets up on her hands and knees, pushes her body forward without moving her arms, falls to her stomach, and then adjusts her hands accordingly. It's very efficient. She can get anywhere.
And I do mean anywhere...
Yes, she is officially a baby in motion if she wasn't before. And while as I've previously mentioned, we're biased, we think she's pretty smart. If we move her, she'll go back to the thing she was just playing with. She has these foam mats with borders, and yesterday she figured out that she could lift them up and chew on them, and now that's all she wants to do. She's also trying to bust out of her "jail" by climbing over the couch cushions. And actually, I just paused there, and she has climbed ON TOP of the cushion. So much for that idea of containment. Back to the drawing board.
Recent updates - She hates potatoes. She just doesn't like them, and I'm trying to get her used to them without having to add something sweet, because I suppose she has to learn that not everything is sweet. Other than that, she's still doing great with solids. All of those weird head pealies that she had on top of her head? They're almost entirely gone. She is talking so much the past few days, I think a lot of it because she's feeling better. And she is in love with the itsy bitsy spider. It's adorable. She has also become a champion at sitting up and doesn't cry nearly as much. Actually, if I catch her at the right time, she doesn't cry at all. On Sunday she was in a crawling position and kind of turned sideways and sat, which is great, but she hasn't done it again. She is also still obsessed with tags. She has recently found one on the mattress of her pack and play and attacks it over and over again with delight.
It's wonderful to have a daughter who isn't in physical therapy, isn't on medication, and is well and healthy. I can't wait for her to come home and see everyone. We have our last doctor's appointment next Tuesday, and then we leave Thursday. I probably won't be updating this for a while because of moving and Christmas and everyone seeing her anyway, but I'm sure I'll pick up again after the new year if I don't before.