Hello! Yes, Alex is now one. And she is still small, but happy and healthy. She had her year check-up and weighs 16 pounds, 7 ounces. Again, still small, but she's doing well. She got poked five times at her appointment, which was hard, but she's a trooper and recovered quickly.
She's walking more and more now, letting go of things on her own and walking instead of crawling. Most of the time she's still crawling, though, and usually only takes a few steps at a time, but she's doing it more and more frequently.
She's also getting her first teeth! She was kind of fussy last week and had a horribly stuffy nose, and Jason noticed a little prick when she started gnawing on his hand. And guess what? It looks like it's not just one but TWO coming in at the same time! I think she was having some pain when it was happening, but she seems good now. In the past 2-3 days we've actually been able to see them poking through.
Her maardvark (don't ask) is her closest friend. Most of the time when we go into her room to see her in the morning, she's holding onto his legs, and she'll drag him around. She's become pretty attached. She's become even more inquisitive and is quite the explorer. One of her favorite activities recently is to crawl under our knees when we're sitting on the floor. She needs tunnels to go spelunking... She also loves to roar at us if we roar at her; it's like this little tiny tiger growl and is absolutely adorable! She also loves Baby Einstein videos, especially the caterpillar at the very beginning beginning. Alex is obsessed with her shoes and socks, pulling them off at every opportunity and putting them in her mouth, as you can see in one of the pictures. She also loves peas and lunch meat and feeding herself. There hasn't been any difficulty switching her from a bottle to strictly a sippy cup, and the doctor's holding off on putting her on whole milk until she sees her again in late June/early July.
And she is still a really happy baby, loves playing, is being a little bit fussier at bedtime but usually puts herself asleep, and is a handful when we go out in the evenings but is usually pretty composed when we're out during the day. There are a bunch of new videos but I have to organize them, so right now it's just pictures.