That's for you, mom, because my son is a jabberwocky. He just jabbers and jabbers and jabbers and jabbers and jabbers and jabbers... You get the point. It's so weird to watch the language development because Alex was so slow with it, but part of me thinks he'll be a lot slower in putting words together to form sentences. We shall see. It's hard to think that he'll be at the level that she was when she was two, but that is six months from now, and six months in toddler world is like eighteen years for the rest of us. He likes to volunteer lots of words and now that he has mastered the old favorites, like sit, he likes to use new ones, like sock. That's one of his most recent favorites. He has also mastered going down the stairs. He's not walking down, but he's scooting down on his but, so one of his favorite things to do is play up and down. (Alex created that name.) They both go up and down the steps and then play on the landing while bursting out from one side to scare me. Micah is totally enamored with this new freedom. Me? It kind of freaks me out a little bit, but he's very stable and I've got to let him go sometime. And on a random note, he now LOVES brushing his teeth. I don't know when this transition took place, but he's all into getting up on the little stool and letting me do it and then trying to do it on his own.
We got rid of his high chair a few weeks ago, so now he's just using his booster seat. I've also finally been able to get him to delay eating dinner, at least most of the time, so that we can all eat together as a family. This is really, really nice. Another nice thing is that he's sleeping later. He got into some bad sleeping habits over Christmas, so finally I just started letting him cry again when he woke up at 5:30, and now he's usually sleeping until almost seven with no tears in the early morning. Hooray!
Christmas was so much fun. I think I had my first true parental delight in getting presents ready for the kids. We moved the coffee table out of the way and created piles for the kids' presents, complete with stockings for both. Micah got this huge letter train that I got at a yard sale, and we put a blanket on top of it and let him pull it off. Then, after she had opened all of her other presents, we told Alex she had to go looking for her last present. It was in a huge bag in the basement in the middle of the floor, and she got a kick out of that! It was her shopping cart, and we spent quite a while with the kids playing with their new toys with the fireplace going. We did all of this on Christmas Eve, including taking Alex to the doctor because her ear was hurting. I'm really glad it happened before we left town. We actually picked up her medicine on the way out.
And of course they got tons of toys that they loved. Some of the favorites? Alex got lots of craft stuff that we've been working our way through. That's not exactly an instant satisfaction toy, but she's beeb loving using all of her supplies. I think her favorite among those has to be these collages that Uncle Jason got for her that create little animals. If I can ever get her to let go of them, we want to put them on her walls when she's done with the set. She also keeps wanting to make the Crayola cookies that Aunt Jen and Uncle Keith got her, but we're waiting on that for when we don't have any more Christmas junk food in the house. She also has gotten really into putting wooden beads that she got into the lunchbox that she got and carrying them around the house and arranging them. And while she can't follow the directions yet, she loves the little piano she got that has a book of songs that go with it to play by numbers. One of Micah's instant favorites was a wooden toy that comes with a hammer and balls. You hammer the balls down and then they roll out again. It was instant obsession, and I thought he was going to break the glass in the door when he was playing with it. He seriously just confiscated the thing, took it over to an area, and started whamming it to pieces. It might be my favorite Christmas moment of the season. He was also very excited about the bouncy ball that he got and kept trying to throw all over my grandparents' house, and he loves his laptop, especially the button that makes the donkey noise. Over and over and over and over. And the dump truck. ANd the list could go on for both of them. However, it makes me happy that some of their favorite toys are also things we got for them. For Alex, her shopping cart and Uno Moo, which is a great game! For Micah, his alphabet train.
And they both discovered their devotion to ham. Being part Martin, it was bound to happen.
The snow the day after Christmas in NC was wonderful. It was about nine inches I think, and if Alex hadn't had an ear infection, she would have loved going out in it. Fortunately, the snow didn't delay our schedule, and we were able to get home on Monday night.
Alexis continues to amaze me with her appropriate use of words like fragile and apparently. Her neverending desire for interaction is making us think it's time to explore some more activities options for her. We're looking into come classes at our community center, although they don't have enough people signing up for classes to make, so I'm hoping that will change in the future. But they offer all sorts of things, including swimming, which might be good for her to have. Manassas offers a pre-ballet class, which she might enjoy, but Id have to get her some gear for that. We're just looking for some reasonably-priced options that would help develop some interests and have her interacting in a different way with teachers and kids. And while we're not going to do it this year, we're seriously considering preschool for next year for her. Manassas Park offers a morning preschool five days a week for 150 a month (right now), and we think that this may be well worth the money, especially because her kindergarten will be all day. I'm not very worried about the academic side of stuff, but I'd really like to give her the ability to interact with other kids and teachers in a "school-like" way. Not so much for the transition to kindergarten, which I think would be fine and we could always work through if needed, but mostly because I think she would really, really enjoy it.
SHe got into a phase of not eating her dinner and we had to have a number of discussions and time outs, and she is now doing a great job! The time out seems to be a pretty effective tool for us, so we'll see how it works for Micah. I'll never forget the time that she got out of time out and Micah got into her chair and started making crying noises like he was in time out! He wants to do everything that she can, naturally, but sometimes he bugs her, so we're learning about independence and what she has the right to do (go into her room and shut the door if she wants to play alone) and what she doesn't have the right to do (demand that Micah stops looking at her, which is a big one lately). And she always wants to help with everything, so I try to find ways to let her do that. Although when it comes to her own chores, that's another story... ;) She also says the cutest, sweetest stuff, like when she wanted to go downstairs when someone was sleeping she said, "Don't worry, my eyes are very quiet." "I'm writing a letter to God so he doesn't get sick. Dear God Don't get sick love Love Alexis." "Does God live in our heart? Will he be there when we get home?"
It melts my heart.