Yes, Alexis is three months old today! No, we didn't have a party for her. She's been doing great. The Zantac has really helped with the acid reflux and she is generally calmer. Also, she is getting to the stage when she can usually sleep 5-6 hours in a row, which technically means (in baby terms) that she is sleeping through the night. Isn't THAT wonderful? I've recently been getting about 5 hours of sleep in a row pretty consistently.
She's been smiling so much recently and we can tell how much she recognizes us. Her eyesight is improving too and we can see her looking at us from farther away, or looking outside. Her latest trick, though, involves her legs. In her bed I put her directly underneath her mobile so that she can stare up at her little animals. However, occasionally I'm finding her head all the way at the top of the crib because she's scooted herself up by pushing her legs against the mattress.
Dad's been here this week and she's been having a wonderful time with her granddad. She's been to volcanoes and old forts and crater lakes and lookouts. It's been amazing how wonderful she's been when we've taken her out. It's quite a bit of work, but she tends to be very chill when out, especially when she's in the car or in her carrier. She likes the motion of both, and they tend to put her to sleep. I've been using her carrier more often now, and it's great to be able to go to the grocery store when I need to and not have to depend on Jason to watch her.
One funny thing I've discovered is why all the Nicas think she's a boy. Inevitably they comment on the cute white baby but they always ask if she's a boy or assume that, even when she's wearing pink! However, we think it's because she doesn't have her ears pierced, which Nicas usually do in the first few days of a girl's life. So this is why they all think she's a boy.
I hope you enjoy the pics. More next time :) And the one of her in a blue dress - that's a dress that mom wore when SHE was a baby!!!
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