My beautiful, amazing, wonderful daughter is now four months old, and she's doing great!
First, the trip to the states was wonderful. I was definitely apprehensive about traveling with her. We flew into Fort Lauderdale, got there about five in the morning, and proceeded to have an eight-hour layover. She was so great about traveling. Everyone that worked for the airlines and airports was wonderful about helping us out and even letting us cut lines. Alex cried only a few times for only a few moments on the first flight, and then on the rest of them she was completely content, no problem whatsoever. Alex also did great adjusting to being in the states. She got a cold while she was there, but then again, so did I. I think it was the central air that got our systems down; it's been over two years since I've experienced central air conditioning on a regular basis, and it was definitely an adjustment, albeit a wonderful one. Everyone was so accommodating and made the entire trip go really smoothly, and I'm so glad people got to meet her while she was this age. Only three months left!
Anyway, current updates. Alex had her checkup yesterday and is now eleven pounds, four ounces. She's still in the 25th percentile for size, but neither Jason nor I are large people, and she'll probably stay on the smaller size (I think - after all, I'm only five three, and that's a stretch). Dr. Mora took her off of the Zantac that she's taking for acid reflux and we're going to see how she does without it. She'll be on the other cisaprida until she's six months old. (That's the medicine she's taking because of the surgery and her immature digestive system, which is doing very well). Dr. Mora is pleased with her progress and thinks she's fine. It's great for me to be able to walk into the doctor's office and not feel as though I have tons of questions or concerns... I think I might be getting the hang of this parenting thing.
In other adorable news, ALEX IS ROLLING OVER!!!! Yes, I am a proud mom. She had her third appointment with her physical therapist (who is wonderful and comes to our house), and we got some more exercises to do with Alex to continue helping her with her muscular development. The pt was pleased with Alex's progress. She saw Alex on Monday morning, and then on Monday afternoon she rolled over! Alex was still not a huge fan of being on her stomach, but she steadily, after her pt appointment, started pushing herself up on her elbows. I thought THAT was a big deal, and then she suddenly rolled over, all in an afternoon. Now she's a champion of it. She's only rolling from her stomach to her back, and that's normal to be first. Maybe in a month or so she might be rolling over the other way! I think it all started when she was turning herself around in her crib. I'd put her head in one direction and then find it on the other direction. Or she would put herself in the corner, as though she had done something bad...
Anyway, Alex is doing great. And yes, those are cherry Twizzler nibs that were placed on her head. I have NO idea how they got there. And Alex is very appreciative of Nanny's wheat thins...
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