Yes, Alexis now has bangs. She's still a really cute kid, but they don't look the best. However, we had to do something, and hair accessories weren't working for her. Her hair is just so fine that, alas, there's not much we can do with it. I'll take some pictures and post them later on.
We'll also have to post a few pictures of the zoo! We went on Saturday. She was a little tired, but she had a lot of fun, even when she was on Jason's shoulders and resting her chin on his head. Her favorites that we saw were the emu, the mongoose, and the golden tamarins, which she liked last time. She was also pretty interested in the primates that were moving around. And then there was this ant that totally captureed her attention, but it wasn't part of the zoo... :) OH and she really thought the naked rat moles were fascinating as well as they crawled and fought their way through the tunnels. The mongoose was the best, though, along with some ferret-like prairie dogs (can't remember the name) that she went running to when she saw them. They were all skittering about and were right on her level and moving a lot, so she definitely liked those. She wasn't as fascinated by the panda bear that we saw, but Jason and I thought it was AWESOME! It was about as close as it could be, sitting on a slope, munching on its lunch of bamboo. It was pretty amazing. Alexis did, however, get to tought the nose of a donkey, and was really fascinated by hearing a real cow. I think she ate half a sleeve of crackers while we were there.
This morning I heard her say booger for the first time, which was really funny, although I've been informed that Jason's heard it before. She's doing really well with her alphabet and can identify and say A, B, C, D (she says b sometimes), E, S, T, U, and Y. I don't know WHERE she learned some of those, but I have a tshirt that has the word university on it, and one morning she just pointed to the u and y and identified them correctly. It's always pretty cool to discover that she knows things when youhave no clue. She's not good with numbers yet, but she does pretty well with some shapes. We hear her trying to count sometimes, but she mixes everything up. For instance, she just tried to count some stars, and it sounded like 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. It's cute.
Overall, I'm pretty encouraged with her progress. She goes to the doctor on Wednesday for her two year checkup, so I'm sure I'll find out all sorts of stuff about how she's doing. Pics to come.
I appreciated the comment about hearing a cow--for whatever reason, it's fairly routine for American families to teach their kids all kinds of animal sounds, but despite being able to tell you what a cow says, us city-dwellers are around cows less frequently. It was really humorous when Elena saw and heard a cow and turned to us excitedly to say "He said 'moo'!", seemingly making some confirming connection in her little head for the first time.
I'm also going to plug a Leapfrog video for letter sounds learning--Elena's letter recognition still needs some work, but she knows most of their sounds simply because of the songs on a Leapfrog video. I don't know the name of the video, but it's about a letter factory with letters that say their names... For that matter, though, the song is just "The A says aaa, the A says aaa, every letter makes a sound, the A says aaa" to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dale". If you can hold Alexis' attention as well as animated frogs, you might not need the video.
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