Alexis has been asking for Nemo the past few days, so we're on the couch watching it. The shark started to laugh, and she laughed like he did - low and rumbly and with a sinister attitude. Then we he said "party" she started to bounce up and down and say "ParTee ParTee" like my mom taught her. It's pretty adorable. She's also playing with a balloon that Jason brought home for her yesterday. She takes the bottom of the ribbon and starts pulling it down and counting one to ten, which she can do, but she almost always skips four and five. I'm not sure why; it's like she's decided that she doesn't believe us about three and four, so she keeps going to five. It's pretty similar to her constantly mixing up Babu and Bibi. Even two nights ago when we were looking at pictures, she did the exact opposite. She also loves to copy Jason's cough. Cute and sad, all at the same time.
Jason seems to be getting better from having a monster cold. Alex has so far avoided being sick except for a small cough, and I went to the doctor yesterday and discovered I had a sinus infection. I think I got it in Wilson, not from Jason, because my allergies tend to get bad when I go there and we definitely had some different symptoms. However, I'm on antiobiotics now and am already starting to feel better.
In NOrth Carolina we met our new nephew, Isaac Andrew. (Isn't that a great name?) He's beautiful! It was really cool to be able to be there, and it reminded me of how tiny newborns are! It really kind of made it real to me that Micah's going to be here next month and life is going to totally change. Again.
In other news, I think the even of a lifetime took place on Wednesday. We had a DISHWASHER INSTALLED!!! I've been "testing" it because it's been so long since I've had a dishwasher and I don't really know what its abilities are, but we got one that had a hard food disposal, which is supposed to mean that you don't have to rinse your dishes. And apparently, they mean that. I was pretty amazed because I put some fairly gross dishes in last night and they came out beautifully! I made a casserole for dinner last night and didn't know what to do with all of my additional counter space, too, because we are now able to put away our dish drainer/dryer rack thing. It's ridiculous how much easier having a dishwasher is going to make my life. Hooray!
I am now going to continue blowing my nose, an activity that hasn't stopped since I woke up.
1 comment:
It actually requires a fairly mature faith to believe in 4 and 5.
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