Micah still seems huge to me, and he's getting more and more adorable, if I do say so myself. While he still has his fussy moments, he remains a pretty chill kid. And very strong. He still doesn't like tummy time, but he can push himself up a little bit and change the direction of his head from one side to the other (right to left, if I recall correctly). He is also eating at longer intervals, which is really nice. At night he has started to go at least 3-4 hours most of the time. (On Saturday night he slept from 10-3, which was incredible, but unusual. He didn't sleep much during the day, though, so I'm sure he was exhausted.) He's starting to get the hair loss ring and has a small bald spot on the back of his head already. Sadness, but it happens to almost all kids, right? The biggest thing, though, is that he has started to smile! I first noticed it a week ago, and they've been becoming more frequent, and he even gave one to Jason the other day when he walked through the door!
Alexis is more and more communicative and remembers everything. And repeats everything. They say kids at this age are simply a sponge, and that really is the truth. She has started to get out of bed sometime when we put her to sleep at night, so last night before prayer we told her that she needed to stay in bed and she wasn't allowed to get out. When I asked if she understood, she said, in her toddler speak, "Understand. Stay IN BED." It was pretty cute, and she did stay in bed. She's starting to say yes ma'am and sir on her own, and she has finally picked up your welcome. And she gets her pronouns entirely confused, but that's normal. (She always says, "MY TURN" when she wants me to do something.)
Other than that, we had a great time in Wilson over the weekend, but traveling with two kids is a bit exhausting. It's more Alexis that's the difficulty now, but that's because she no longer automatically just goes to sleep in the car. I think we're going to look into getting a used or refurbished portable dvd player that we use for just the car on trips. If we can find one for a reasonable price, we think it will be worth it. We've slowly been putting more final touches on the house, like I finally replaced the blinds in the kitchen above the sink, and we finished the front yard landscaping. The three of us just got back from the playground, where it was absolutely beautiful outside. Who would have thought Virginia would see this kind of weather in the first week of September? Bring it on, fall!
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