Thursday, November 1, 2007

5 1/2 Months

At the moment, Alex is sleeping in her bouncy seat with her cheek smashed up against one side and one arm stretched to the sky. It amazes me the positions she can sleep in. This is just a quick update. She started rolling over all the time from her back to her stomach, so now she is all OVER the place. We had to create a bigger area for her with some mats that we have, and she just rolls all over it. Her physical therapist hopes that she'll be crawling by the time we go home but thinks it's optimistic to think she'll be sitting up in two weeks, which is what Dr. Mora wanted, even though it's still in the early time period for that. We also aren't allowed to let her stand up anymore because she's using it as a reflex of some sort, so it's sitting for her, and she does not like it! She's getting better at it, though. And she has started to grab her feet and put her toes in her mouth all the time; it's so cute! She's been eating well and loves her cereal, endures carrots, and enjoys apple juice, which she has also begun drinking out of a sippy cup. I have to help her, of course, but she does a really good job and even tries to use the handles. Lots of little developments that make her seem so big to me.

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

i can't wait to see her!!