Saturday, March 22, 2008

First Step

She has taken ONE step. Not two, just one. She stands really well for about 10 seconds at a time, but she's not walking quite yet. However, I went out this afternoon, and when I came back Jason had taught her a trick. She grabbed hold of his fingers and used him to balance, and then just shot off putting one foot in front of another REALLY fast. It was SO COOL and she did it a bit for me. We tried to videotape it, but of course, she wasn't doing it for the camera. She's not a circus monkey, after all... She's getting so independent, though. She does a wonderful job holding her own bottle now, and she's cruising all over the place, and having lots of fun with the first toy that we've bought for her as parents! (That was pretty cool.) We'll keep all of you updated as she approaches the walking stage. It might be soon, it might still be months. She just seems too small to be walking!!!!!!

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