Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Non-Saga

There has really been no drama when it comes to the transition from a crib to a toddler bed. Hooray! Alex has been amazing about staying in bed, and last night I stopped checking on her in the middle of the night. She has done a great job of actually staying in bed, which is wonderful. For now, at least, she's completely fine. We'll have to see how it is when everything else is in her room. However, she has taken naps with all of her toys in her room, and she's done FINE with that! This afternoon I even put her in her room and told her it was naptime, and she went directly to her bed and went to sleep. My daughter is AWESOME!!!

She actually got really sick yesterday and took two long naps and had a fairly high fever. However, we're pretty sure now that it was simply a teething situation because she's mostly better today but has been indicating that her mouth hurts some. This is good news; I really didn't want a sick child right now. She's currently eating some cheerios and saying ow and putting her finger in her mouth like her gums hurt.

She has also started "reading" signs around town, which apaprently I did as a kid. (I imagine all kids do this.) She identified the S in Lowe's and Kohl's today, along with other letters, and when we were stopped at a light she just started reading letters off of a sign that she could seen.

My doctor's appointment today went well. The doctor wasn't sure what position Micah's in. He had a really fast heartbeat this time, which isn't a problem, but he calmed down a little bit while she waited. He was prett active and kicking around while she was checking him out. It looks like most likely I'm going to have a c-section. We have yet to be able to get a copy of my surgical records from Nicaragua, and they can't do a regular birth without them, so unless we can get a copy by my next appointment in two weeks, I'll have a c-section. What I DIDN'T know was that they'll schedule it! They'll schedule me next time so that I can be on the calendar. It's very odd to think about not "going into labor" like last time, when I was scheduled but went into labor anyway. Micah could still come earlier than the schedule, but we shall see. (All of this is assuming that we DO have to do a c-section.)


Sheila Siler said...

Hurray for Alex!

Maggie said...

They have to have a copy of the medical records to have a vbac? Hmm...good to keep in mind. I'm going to have to track those down eventually.