Friday, September 4, 2009

It Doesn't Get Much Better

I woke up this morning a little before seven. Micah was upset because he had spit up badly all over his bed and was pretty uncomfortable. (And he had a really full dirty diaper.) However, as I was changing him I heard Alexis say her adorable "heWWWOOOOO!!!" She was still in bed so I opened the door, and a moment later she ran into Micah's room and spontaneously said, "I love you." And right now she is giving me a huge hug. And THEN, to top it off, Micah gave me a HUGE smile right after that. Being a mom is pretty cool sometimes.

Yesterday Micah finally mastered turning his head from lef tto right AND right to left while he's on his stomach, which was pretty cool to see. He's getting so big! I'm going to miss the trembling chin when I pick him up sometimes, the way that he pats me with his hand sometimes when I'm burping him, like he's trying to burp me in return, and his general "babyness" because it's not going to last for long!

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