Thursday, March 10, 2011

Updates - Very Brief Paragraphs


Micah is saying dozens of words, which continues to astound me. One of his latest is help. That's actually very helpful (no pun intended) simply because he can let me know when he needs help doing something, and I think it's creating a little less frustration on his part. He has no problem picking up words, and I've watched him trying to put two words together. He is also doing better at identifying some of his body parts, although he certainly gets them wrong fairly frequently. He has some of them down, though. For example, he loves to say hair for some reason. He eats well and has a smile that lights up the room with one huge dimple on the left side of his face. He is also really into grabbing people's hands and saying hand when he wants to lead you somewhere or have you take him down the steps. He does this to people he doesn't know, too. These days he's waking up at about 6:30 in the morning, but we'll see if the time change coming up helps keep him quiet longer. Who knows?


Alexis has entered a whiney stage, which is not fun. We're working a lot on how to express herself in an appropriate tone of voice. We're also actively working on manners a lot, and she's getting pretty good at saying excuse me to interrupt people. Now we're working on when it's an appropriate time to actually do that, and if she's anything like me, she'll never learn that lesson completely... her tracing skills are getting prety good, and she's doing a better job writing letters. However, one of the things she's gotten REALLY good at is determining what letter a word starts with, and that's very cool to see her develop that skill.


Sheila Siler said...

One thing we did for the kids was when they wanted to interrupt us they would put their hand on our arm, I would put my hand over theirs to let them know I had heard them and that meant to wait until addressed them. It worked well for us.

Glad to hear about the kids!

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea, Sheila!

Missed you guys last week, hope to see you soon.