Monday, April 4, 2011

The Zoo

We went to the national zoo today. It was the first time in a LONG time, and it was Micah's first time at all. Alex had been sick this weekend with a fever, so she was actually pretty tired while we were there. She still enjoyed it, though. Micah LOVED it! The only problem is that he ALWAYS wanted to be out of the stroller walking around, and sometimes he needed to stay IN the stroller. However, with Amber's help (an old friend from college who was in the area), we kept the two kids happy and fed and excited. The crowning moment, though, was when Micah walking around in the small mammal house. (I've discovered that smaller, scurrying animals are more entertaining than large, immobile animals.) Micah put his face right up to the glass and saw a golden-tailed tamarin, which has always been one of my favorite animals at the zoo. For some reason, this tamarin decided that my son was IT and jumped down directly onto the glass right in front of Micah's face to pounce on him and then run away again. Micah thought it was the most hysterical thing he had ever experienced and kept jumping up and down over and over again. It was a long, but good, morning. The journey out there can get a little long because it's the city, but it's worth it. We actually became FONZ members today as a family, meaning that I can park for free anytime that I go! The zoo is free, but parking is a bit expensive, so this makes it easier to think about going for shorter periods of time. Plus, the kids get free animal crackers every time they go!

Speaking of jumping, this is Micah's new favorite activity. He just jumps ALL of the time around the house until he falls down and then gets up and does it again. This kid catches more air than I do!

1 comment:

Sheila Siler said...

Sounds fantastic - I think it's great that you have the National Zoo available. What a great place to grow up!